In my requirements at the beginning of this build log I said that I wanted to be able to sit up in the trailer. Meeting that requirement involved making the trailer a little taller than most and building a bench. As you can see above I have designed a bench that folds down from the front wall of the cabin. You attach three legs to the bench when you set it down and you move two sections of the mattress up onto the bench to turn it into a padded sofa. This will come in handy on those rainy days when we need a dry place to hold up for a few hours with a good book, a deck of cards, or maybe watch a movie. When the sun comes out again you go back out and resume fishing.
I included the picture to the left, without the cushions, to give a better view of the bench which will be made of 3/4 inch ply with a hardwood lip to keep the cushion in place. Behind the bench there are four cubbys. The lower two cubbys will be for whatever you like... maybe a spare flashlight and a first aid kit. The upper cubbys will have doors on them (not shown) and will house the electrical components such as fuse box, breakers, battery charger and so on.