Here is a side view of the plan. I posted this so that you can see the shape of the compartment and the interior cabinets. The center portion of the cabinets will be for a laptop to play videos and possibly a car stereo unit for music. On both sides of that there will be cabinets for storing bedding, clothing or whatever. There will be doors on the cabinets but I have not drawn them in yet.
The first set back was discovered today. I special ordered 16 sheets of 1/8 inch plywood called "luan". I had planned to use it for the interior and exterior skin of the walls and the roof-ceiling. It looked like beautiful stuff. The "A" side is a very nice white verneer of maple or something similar. They don't stock in in either Lowe's or Home Depot so I had Lowe's special order it from a plywood company. Today I used small piece of it and discovered a serious quality issue with this material. Look closely at the second photo above. I noticed a crack in the top layer of the plywood and some blistering so with my fingernail I removed all of that bare area you can see peeled away. I went in and looked at the rest of the sheets and saw more areas of blistering. Now I've got to take all these sheets back and then locate another material that is light, flexible, and durable to take its place. I will let you know what I come up with. The silver lining is that I discovered the quality issue before I built much of it into the project. That would have been much worse.
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